
I’ll update this page with resources I’ve found helpful…

buddhify, the mindfulness app for modern life. I discovered this via Wired magazine. It’s a godsend. Meditations for every situation from doing the chores to walking in a city. I used to play the Chores tape on loop when my anxiety was really bad.

Audio-book course Mindfulness: A Practical Guide To Finding Peace in a Frantic World.

I also subscribe to the Headspace app which gives you courses of 10-30 meditations (10-20 minutes each) on themes like Health and Relationships.

Jon Kabat-Zinn’s audio-meditation guides – Guided Mindfulness Mediation Series 2 and 3. Available as CDs or for download.

Manchester Buddhist Centre – they run lunchtime drop-ins on weekdays.

HeartMath Inner-Balance app and sensor measures Heart Rate Variability and, like meditation, helps calm your parasympathetic nervous system by regulating your breathing but also promotes positivity by getting you to focus on happy thoughts.

Binaural beats. I use the iBrainWave app. You need headphones as you get a different beat pattern in each ear which tricks your brain into relaxation. I like the river background soundtrack that you can overlay and often use it to help get me off to sleep. It’s also great for migraines, though for me it only stops the pain as long as I keep the headphones on! I confess, the science baffles me (even thought I’m a radio producer) but it works and the app’s free.

Emotional Freedom Technique. Read more on my blog post, Motorways of the Mind.

Stop Technique. Read more on my blog post, Motorways of the Mind.